Renato Ivancic - Software Engineer

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Hello, I'm Renato

I build clean, performant and well taught applications and tools, from first design kick-off till maintenance in production.

With 10 years of hands down experience, my main focus at this time is developing back-end systems (microservices, monoliths, integrations, core libraries, customized build tools - Gradle ) in banking / financial sector. I strive to maintain high quality code that solves real world issues in an extensible architecture. I am fortunate to work in team that is enthusiastic and follows the same vision. I'm eager to learn, explore, question and guide my team with acquired knowledge.

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My Posts

Peer review with SonarQube

Code Quality

Most of the time we are under time pressure to deliver a product. As a consequence bad coding habits strike back. It happen also if the programmer is not yet enough experienced. Peer review can solve this problem. Still it is not easy if the product is growing fast and nobody has a full sight on whole project or if you are alone on some part of it. Solution I was searching for was tool that automatically gives a descriptive overview of code quality.

25 Dec 2015 #SonarQube #code quality

Strip Android application with ProGuard

Android Development

ProGuard - Magic dieting pill for your app As stated in previous blog post Android Multidex tool has some limitations. I found another solution for the same problem: ProGuard can detect unused classes, methods, fields and attributes as end result the bytecode is optimized. Then it renames remaining elements what makes the reverse ingeneering a bit tougher. This is far better solution for overcoming reference count. Configure the Gradle settings for your app to run ProGuard with minifyEnabled set to true.

28 Sep 2015 #ProGuard #Android #Java #Gradle

Dex, multiple dex, Multidex

Android Development

Running Scala in Android app Because Scala language has powerful features for collection processing, Optionals support, pattern matching, type inference, I wanted to try out how mature is support with Android development… More about that maybe next time.To mention I am using the Android Studio with Gradle. Before I even got into it, I quickly run into two problems at setting up the project. The first one is that compiling time is now 3 times longer.

26 Sep 2015 #Multidex #Android #Gradle