With 10 years of hands down experience, my main focus at this time is developing back-end systems (microservices, monoliths, integrations, core libraries, customized build tools - Gradle ) in banking / financial sector. I strive to maintain high quality code that solves real world issues in an extensible architecture. I am fortunate to work in team that is enthusiastic and follows the same vision. I'm eager to learn, explore, question and guide my team with acquired knowledge.
Download CVFirst baby steps in Angular with TypeScript. It contains instructions of how to use TypeScript Interfaces, how to pass async data between Angular components and how to make a clean update to RxJS 6.0
10 Oct 2018 #angular
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Here you'll find an aggregation of tools and fixes that come handy when using nodejs dependencies or plugins. Subtopics contain Node version manager, Node package manager, Bower, Gulp and others
5 Sep 2018 #node
Short summary with examples about formatting dates in Java 7 and 8. I decided to wrote it down as I found inconsistency of differend types of formatters used and misunderstanding of formatter patterns.